Tuesday, April 12, 2016

Building up

Things are now moving fast at the build site.

After the footings and foundation set, and the rain ended we were finally able to put up the steel support that will be the spine of the house. These two beams are super important because the first floor will be open, so they will be supporting most of the second story.

After the "spine" was installed, there was going to be a week or so of "backfill" which I learned means "putting back all the dirt we moved for the foundation to be built". However it turns out it was an opportune time to for our framers to fit us into their busy schedule. So instead of moving earth, the bones of the house are now going up.

First the trusses for the flooring support went in.

Then the framing for the outer and inner walls on the first floor.

Jason warned me that how the house "felt" would change with each stage of building, and that it would seem like the house felt larger with each stage. So far he is on the money. With just the trusses in the foot print felt so much larger than when it was a foundation with footings.

Then with the addition of the walls, and being able to walk around in those spaces it felt even bigger.

The start of the project was a shift in my brain from the imagined to the concrete, now there is this shift of scale, from the miniature of plans and drawings and even models, to the human scale of the framing. It's an incredible feeling. And it really brings home that this is a BIG project.

More soon!
Thank you for reading,


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