Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Sickness and Structure!

First off I want to apologize for the lack of posts. I was down and out with a flu-like virus for about two weeks. It was no fun and I encourage everyone to take their vitamins and wash their hands.

I am back now and, along with finally feeling very human again, I have so many pictures to share!

I am working with the amazing David Solow to create a photographic record of this huge project. He is a true artist as well as a gifted renaissance man. I hope you find his images as beautiful and as joyful as I do.

The big big news is that the framing went up while I was home sick. So the house went from a floor with some vertical beams to looking like an actual houseish structure and then to a genuine house shape.

Below are some of the early photos of that process.

Photo by David Solow

Photo by David Solow

Photo by David Solow

Photo by David Solow

Photo by David Solow

Photo by David Solow

These photos are just of the start of the framing process, really just the first floor. This went up in about a span of three days. 
I have more photos that I will publish soon on second floor and roof framing. 

You can see Bob supervising in that last shot. He really has gathered some amazing craftsmen to work on this project. The speed at which this framing went up was unreal. From foundation to done in less than three weeks with a crew of five. 

It's stunning how fast this is coming together and how wonderful the process has been. 

Thank you for reading! 
More very soon!



  1. Wow walls! Looking really good.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. That's one thing I love about architecture - you can really see and experience the results of everyone's labor! Thanks for sharing, Alison!
