Friday, January 27, 2017

Fun with the Sun

One of the really big things I am adding to my home is a large solar power system.
My architects came up with the idea of using the roof of the carport as a solar collection by simply roofing the structure with solar panels. All in all this system will provide about 12 kilowatts of power on a nice sunny day.

We purchased the system from Southern Energy Management and they also did the installation. We used these awesome panels that are clear aside from the solar cells. This will allow a lot of nice light into the carport during the day, so that it doesn't become a cave.

Also to note is that Southern Energy Management is a certified B Corporation, which is an awesome thing in and of itself. You can read up on that here.

It always starts with a hole in the ground:

Here you can see the structure of the carport being built:

The base of the roof where the solar panels will rest.

The panels start to go up.

What they look like from below.

The carport is shaping up.

All done from above.


  1. Brilliant and beautiful . . . a perfect example of form and function design.

  2. All in all this system will provide about 12 kilowatts of power on a nice sunny day.rubyusers
